BAHAMAS DETOX 2014: Here are some of the popular Gracious Living HEALTHY, VEGAN salad dressing recipes from the 10 Day Juice Fast & Detox in the Bahamas at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat with 28 people from around the world.

Creamy Lemon Turmeric Dressing
1 whole lemon without skin
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp cumin powder
1/2 tsp turmeric
2 tbsp chia gel
1 tbsp tahini
Sea salt
Fresh garlic to taste
1-2 cups water
Blend till creamy. Will keep in fridge in mason jar for 3 days or so.
Beet Paprika Salad Dressing
Beautiful colour & liver cleansing!
1 cup shredded, raw beet
1 cucumber
1-2 tbsp tahini
1 tsp paprika
1/3 cup avocado or walnut oil
sea salt
fresh garlic to taste
1-2 cups water
Blend till creamy. Will keep in fridge in mason jar for 3 days or so.

Coconut Turmeric Zing Dressing
Hemp oil & chia gel offer Omega 3 fatty acids needed to boost metabolism & reduce inflammation.
(FYI, never heat Hemp oil! Only use it for salad dressings or smoothies & keep in fridge).
2 tbsp coconut meat butter ( I enjoy Nutiva & Artisana).
1 chink ginger
1 tsp turmeric
2 tbsp chia gel
1/3 cup hemp oil
sea salt to taste
1-2 cups water
Blend till creamy. Will keep in fridge in mason jar for 3 days or so.
Creamy Dandelion Cumin Salad Dressing
I discovered a unique way to use my DandyBlend (see more HERE)…amazing for liver cleansing and this recipe was a HIT with our 28 detoxers!)
2 tbsp DandyBlend
1 tbsp tahini
1 tsp cumin
1 tbsp chia gel
juice of 1 lemon
1/3 cup olive oil
Sea salt to taste
1 cup water
Optional: 1 tsp kelp flakes
Blend till creamy. Will keep in fridge in mason jar for 3 days or so.
Spicy “Cheezy” Salad Dressing
Handful arugula
1 whole lemon without skin
1/3 cup 100% extra virgin cold pressed olive oil
1 tbsp nutritional yeast (see more info HERE).
2 tbsp cashew butter
1/2 tsp turmeric
1-2 cups water
Sea salt
Fresh garlic
Enjoy more Gracious Living DETOX recipes: HERE.
