Published in yoga & fitness magazine Sweat Equity Magazine with Tommy Europe. Oct/Nov 2014, page 46.
Gracious Living Lifestyle Raw Chocolate Ginger Buzz
The combination of raw chocolate and fresh ginger gives your body and taste buds a delicious, healthy buzz. This smoothie is plant-based, metabolism-boosting, and easy-to-digest, with no refined sugar or dairy that contributes to a slower metabolism.
1 serving Sunwarrior WarriorBlend Chocolate Protein Powder
1 frozen banana
1 tsp fresh grated ginger
2-3 cups hazlenut milk
1 tbsp raw cacao nibs
A handful of ice
Add everything BUT the cacao nibs in the blender. Blend till smooth and creamy. Once done, then add in the nibs and blend for just a few seconds. The nibs give this smoothie a yummy, magnesium, anti-oxidant crunch. RAW-A-ZING!

SweatRX Mag, Nov/Dec 2014, with cross-fit superstar beauty Christmas Abbott, we have a Gracious Living Spicy, PLANT POWERED Cran-Apple Christmas Smoothie (or Thanksgiving Smoothie for tomorrow for the American peeps!) You can find it on page 71. A delicious and creamy smoothie that is also dairy-free, refined sugar-free, and nourishing to your cells. This Christmas inspired smoothie aids digestion while helping to build lean muscle. Filled with vitamins and minerals, anti-oxidants, phyto-nutrients, plant-based protein, chlorophyll, fibre, and naturally sweetened to energize your body, nourish your cells, and satiate your appetite.
1 serving Sunwarrior WarriorBlend Vanilla Protein Powder 2 cups unsweetened, carageenan-free coconut milk (for extra creaminess) 1 frozen banana 1/2 red apple, cut into chunks 1/2 cup fresh or frozen cranberries 1 small or large chunk of fresh ginger (for anti-inflammatory spiciness) 1 tsp pure vanilla (or pod)
optional: 1 tbsp maple syrup to even out the tartness of the cranberries
Add handul of ice. Blend till creamy and smooth. Top with unsweetened coconut & grated apple on top. Then sprinkle with cinnamon. Festive, healthy, and superb!
*variations: use cold decaf green tea or cinnamon tea instead of coconut milk *variations: add 1 tsp maca for energy

You are what you eat. You are what you think. ~Gracious Living Lifestyle XO